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We specialize in the neuroscience of behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. You can’t rewrite history, but you can rewire for a better future. We will show you how.
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The number of Advanced QEEG Brain Maps analyzed
(and counting...)

% of functional brain areas that make significant progress from our training process



Years in practice
(and counting ...)


Hours of brain training every week



Since 2008, we have been partnering with clients of all ages  to help them effectively leverage their naturally self-editing brain to function better, think better, perform better, sleep better, behave better, remember better, relate better, and feel better.


Brain networks that are currently hardwired for governance by the limbic system's fight-flight response drive our inappropriate, automatic and unhealthy actions, reactions, thought patterns and behaviors. It doesn't have to stay that way. 


Evidence from over 165,000 published studies, published over the last 50 years, attest to the effectiveness of Neurofeedback to improve symptoms related to everything from anxiety, ADHD, memory decline, insomnia, mood disorders, depression and anger issues, to PTSD, brain injury, panic, autism spectrum, concussion, seizure and stroke.

"I cannot remember the last time she has had a panic attack or panic tantrum. We are weaning off her medicine."

Image by Radu Florin


We don't think of your brain as the problem, we think of it as the solution. Every brain can change and is devoted to its own optimal function. Neurofeedback is designed to promote neural reorganization and to help rewire maladaptive brain function. We are using world-class, science-based, non-invasive, drug-free techniques to effectively harness the brain's innate ability to self-edit, repair, heal, and optimize.


We believe every brain is size does not fit all.

That's why we chose one of the most advanced qEEG Brain Maps available anywhere in the world. And that's why we have such a wide variety of specializations in Neurofeedback, Biofeedback, NeuroDevelopmental Movement, and Neuromodulation.


We believe in measurable results on paper and in real life.

That's why we use both top-tier assessments and subjective reports to ensure our clients achieve lasting, meaningful improvements.


Check out a PBS Special Feature on Neurofeedback and the work we do at our clinic!

Or listen to this podcast which discusses some of the work we do

Discover superpowers you didn't even know you possess and learn how to leverage those innate abilities to sleep better, think better, perform better, act better, and feel better no matter what life throws at you. This is like Crossfit for your most important muscle: YOUR BRAIN.

Learn more about Biofeedback!



Discover Neurodevelopmental Movement (NDM), a unique  approach to both developmental and behavioral issues that gets to the heart of the problem deep in the brain.  Learn about NDM here!

Image by Katie Harp

Top-Tier credentials from Amen Clinics, BCIA, and the American Institute of Stress.

Amen Clinics Certified as experts in Brain Health and SPECT Scan interpretation.

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Board certification is the mark of distinction for providers of biofeedback and Neurofeedback. BCIA is the highest credential in the field.

BCIA certification

The AIS Seal of Certification indicates that this entity delivers on its claims as a stress management training source.

Americain institute of stress


South Charlotte

115 College Street, Suite 201

Pineville, NC 28134

South charlotte building

North Charlotte

511 Jetton St,

Davidson, NC 28036

Carolinas Biofeedback Clinic

The Brain Studio

7400 Carmel Executive Park Dr, Suite 130, Charlotte, NC 28226

Brain Studio

Having trouble booking a free phone consult or appointment?


Watch this video for helpful instructions.

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